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Documents Support Possible Extortion, Threats of Malicious Litigation

from:     Sharon Howarth
to:          Mike Stonbraker <>,
 Jenna Ward <>

date:     Thu, Apr 26, 2012 at 10:12 AM
subject:                URGENT FORMAL NOTIFICATION
letter of NO Confidence re NW District Superintendent.docx
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Attn: Mike Stonbraker, NW District Superintendent


Pursuant to the ‘investigative’ meeting of today’s date, in your office:

I hereby formally notify you and your convened ‘committee’ of my position of NO CONFIDENCE which prevents my daughter__________________ and myself, Sharon Howarth, from attending any previously scheduled investigatory or procedural meeting without the presence of an impartial third party and specifically without the advocacy involvement of the General Commission on the Status and Role of Women, of the United Methodist Church.

The following statements will serve to elucidate my position of NO CONFIDENCE in the NW District Superintendent’s oversight of my April 12, 2012 complaint against Greg Reynolds’ ministerial sexual misconduct:

1. the material facts of my April 17,2012 meeting with Mike Stonbraker, during which he foisted duress, obfuscating and manipulative tactics, upon my person when I attended the meeting in good faith, at his request, in response to my complaint to Bishop William Willimon,

2. the material facts of that meeting, to wit, Mike Stonbraker’s demonstrations of a complete and abject lack of regard for and pastoral concern for myself as a long-standing female employee of the NW District churches I have worked for, as a parishioner within that United Methodist Church District, and as a mother of the young woman (herself, also a parishioner) who was witness to and recipient of Greg Reynolds’ unwanted ministerial sexual misconduct,

3. the material facts in that meeting, of Mike Stonbraker’s witnessed statement minimizing Greg Reynold’s sexual misconduct, ostensibly stating that “not touching” my daughter, instead rather “just looking at her” did not support a construct of the same magnitude of sexual misconduct, which is in direct conflict with the United Methodist Church Book of Discipline’s duly mandated parameters of appropriate ministerial sexual ethics,

4. and last, but not least, Mike Stonbraker’s outright threats of financial and legal reprisal directed at myself, when I physically attempted to leave the meeting and his office, in order to speak to a GCSRW advocate and to obtain godly counsel from my husband and a spiritual advisor, the DS stating that if I “walk out that door this check won’t be waiting here and you won’t be meeting with me anymore”, referring to the severance check that had been prepared and signed for me to pick up from the DS’s office and making clear references to heightened litigious reprisals by stating “then you’ll have to meet with the NW District’s attorney,”  Mr. McElheny.

No loving parent would ever be willing to subject their daughter of any age, to such demeaning, threatening and perverse demonstrations of improper use of power and position.

I am unable to be in contact with the GCSRW general secretary until after our UMC Charge Conference is over, thus I will not be able to facilitate further contact with the NW District Office, until such time as I am able to consider further advice, support and spiritual nurture afforded me through the GCSRW’s duly appointed services available to me as a parishioner and lay staff worker.

Very truly yours,

Sharon Howarth

Cc Bishop Willimon’s office
     GCSRW general secretary


from:     WillWillimon

cc:           Ron Schultz <>

date:     Thu, Apr 26, 2012 at 3:48 PM
subject:                Email / Mrs. Howarth

Dear Mrs. Howarth,
I am in receipt of your email correspondence today regarding Reverend Mike Stonbraker, North West District Superintendent, and Reverend Greg Reynolds. Be assured that I am working thru the Cabinet and Board of Ordained Ministry to find a just resolution for all parties in these matters.


William H. Willimon
Bishop, Birmingham Area

Text message documentation regarding legal maneuverings around suddenly constructed severance "release", severance pay and denominational leaders' knowledge of the former employee's vulnerable position, i.e., hunger, poverty, need for medical assistance.

After waiting 24 days for the new severance release I was promised on 3/20/12 and 5 days after it all severance issues including payment were supposed to have been addressed, I meekly contacted Van Brown SPRC chairman to find out what the delay was, why I hadn’t heard from him and when I should expect some closure.

The following are exact order and forwarded copies of the text messages between us, which I believe materially show how I have faced control, manipulation and retaliation for doing the right thing in reporting Greg Reynolds sexual misconduct and inappropriate employee/gender harassment toward me. 

These all occurred on Friday 4/13/2012 in the approximate time frames stamped below from my cell phone record.

I initiated contact to Van Brown-

12564151193: Arranging to leave keys in envelope with N________ A_______ to give to u or whoever u designate, after I pack and move my belongings this afternoon. Any release yet? I expected to have gotten it and severance pay as we discussed to happen on 4/9/12... My family now out of food, and more than slightly affected by the delays in this process- Can u remind me who was at sprc vote on 3/4? I have been working on report for DS, as I promised u and was unclear who was at that mtg- your best recall is fine for my report (if u forget anyone we can surely make corrections). We are continuing to pray for u Van! In His grace and love, Sharon 11:50 AM
Van Brown’s answer sent to me

+12564151193: FWD: Hey Sharon - sorry about the delay on the release-waiting to hear from atty on whether or not can adjust original release-hope to have resolved today???? 12:29 PM
And then Van’s answer to my other question-

12564151193: FWD: As best I recall all members of the SPRC were present - Tom, Don, Paula, Brenda, James, Tony, Loren, Greg & myself Keep The Faith 12:45 PM

My answer -
+12564151193: FWD: Van that is not what u discussed with me- u said u were planning to get an independent release "prepared" without needing a vote or sprc involvement. are u now saying that u went back to pastor's father and greg about this? even after u agreed with both Bruce and myself that the release submitted was inappropriate and of questionable motivation? I dont want to pre or misjudge wta u are saying but I am frankly confused about what would've changed what u said u planned to do in our mtg of 3/20/12...please explain this. 12:48 PM

+12564151193: FWD: I went to my atty and after reviewing the release we had she felt it was NOT too encompassing and would not prepare a new one for me so I contacted the NW Dist Of the UMC atty and he is the one I am waiting to hear from now Keep The Faith 12:53 PM


+12564151193: FWD: do either of the attys understand that the reporting process about the pastor's sexual misconduct (according to the sexual ethics definitions and covenants proscribed in the book of discipline) was already initiated months ago? 12:53 PM

Van-+12564151193: FWD: Yes - both were made aware Keep The Faith 1:02 PM

Me-.+12564151193: FWD: ok thank you . 1:04 PM


+12564151193   Add - Florence, AL
4/13/12 1:04 PM 9 seconds ago

+12564151193: Arranging to leave keys in envelope with Nathan Alred to give to u or whoever u designate, after I pack and move my belongings this afternoon. Any relea 11:50 AM
+12564151193: se yet? I expected to have gotten it and severance pay as we discussed to happen on 4/9/12... My family now out of food, and more than slightly affected 11:50 AM
+12564151193: by the delays in this process- Can u remind me who was at sprc vote on 3/4? I have been working on report for DS, as I promised u and was unclear who w 11:50 AM
+12564151193: as at that mtg- your best recall is fine for my report (if u forget anyone we can surely make corrections). We are continuing to pray for u Van! In His 11:50 AM
+12564151193: grace and love, Sharon 11:50 AM
+12564151193: by 5 pm today everything hidden will be in the light...u know my family needs prayer- Nathan does, and some of our leadership will along with the pastor 11:59 AM
+12564151193: and his immediate and extended family in the coming days- I pray for all at NV knowing I did not cause this and praying 4 God to work His will and His 11:59 AM
+12564151193: glory- continued confidentiality for a few more days or weeks may be needed from u while the leadership works this out- but I knew we needed u 2 pray. 11:59 AM
+12564151193: Lord have mercy in Your grace and by the precious blood of Jesus! Sharon 11:59 AM
+12564151193: FWD: Arranging to leave keys in envelope with Nathan Alred to give to u or whoever u designate, after I pack and move my belongings this afternoon. Any 12:12 PM
+12564151193: release yet? I expected to have gotten it and severance pay as we discussed to happen on 4/9/12... My family now out of food, and more than slightly aff 12:12 PM
+12564151193: ected by the delays in this process- Can u remind me who was at sprc vote on 3/4? I have been working on report for DS, as I promised u and was unclear 12:12 PM
+12564151193: who was at that mtg- your best recall is fine for my report (if u forget anyone we can surely make corrections). We are continuing to pray for u Van! In 12:12 PM
+12564151193: His grace and love, Sharon 12:12 PM
+12564151193: FWD: Hey Sharon - sorry about the delay on the release-waiting to hear from atty on whether or not can adjust original release-hope to have resolved today???? 12:29 PM
+12564151193: FWD: As best I recall all members of the SPRC were present - Tom, Don, Paula, Brenda, James, Tony, Loren, Greg & myself Keep The Faith 12:45 PM
+12564151193: FWD: Van that is not what u discussed with me- u said u were planning to get an independent release "prepared" without needing a vote or sprc involvemen 12:48 PM
+12564151193: t. are u now saying that u went back to pastor's father and greg about this? even after u agreed with both Bruce and myself that the release submitted w 12:48 PM
+12564151193: as inappropriate and of questionable motivation?I dont want to pre or misjudge wta u are saying but I am frankly confused about what would've changed wh 12:48 PM
+12564151193: at u said u planned to do in our mtg of 3/20/12...please explain this. 12:48 PM
+12564151193: FWD: I went to my atty and after reviewing the release we had she felt it was NOT too encompassing and would not prepare a new one for me so I contacted 12:52 PM
+12564151193: the NW Dist 12:52 PM
+12564151193: FWD: Of the UMC atty and he is the one I am waiting to hear from now Keep The Faith 12:53 PM
+12564151193: FWD: do either of the attys understand that the reporting process about the pastor's sexual misconduct (according to the sexual ethics definitions and c 12:53 PM
+12564151193: ovenants proscribed in the book of discipline) was already initiated months ago? 12:53 PM
+12564151193: FWD: Yes - both were made aware Keep The Faith 1:02 PM
+12564151193: FWD: ok thank you . 1:04 PM

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